Changing "Internet only" to "Internet + LAN" blocks web access

Started by tylordurton1

Changing "Internet only" to "Internet + LAN" blocks web access   26 January 2020, 07:13

Thought I would flag a potential bug with NetGenius: when I right-click on my Server, then select Settings, and then change from "Internet only" to "Internet + LAN", it immediately prevents me from accessing any websites. As soon as I switch it back to "Internet only" I can access the web again. Strange!

Still a great piece of software though, it's recording all of my up/download usage correctly.

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Changing "Internet only" to "Internet + LAN" blocks web access   28 January 2020, 16:38

That's strange indeed. It's not something that was supposed to happen. We will give it a bit more testing in this area and hopefully resolve it soon.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Changing "Internet only" to "Internet + LAN" blocks web access   30 January 2020, 16:14

So far, we have been unable to re-create this problem in our tests.
If any other users experience the same issue, please let us know. Hopefully, with the additional information, we will succeed.

Re: Changing "Internet only" to "Internet + LAN" blocks web access   30 January 2020, 18:13

Strange. I'm happy to do further tests if it will help. Not sure if there's an option to export any verbose logging etc?

Kind Regards,
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Changing "Internet only" to "Internet + LAN" blocks web access   30 January 2020, 20:11

There isn't really any logging at the moment, and all that setting is supposed to do is to exclude typical local IP address ranges from monitoring.

It might somehow conflicted with a third-party product like a VPN client or antivirus, though it's unclear how exactly. Since you probably don't want to monitor your LAN anyway, simply leave it at Internet only - it also offers best performance by excluding LAN traffic in the kernel without having to forward it to NetGenius for processing.

Re: Changing "Internet only" to "Internet + LAN" blocks web access   31 January 2020, 17:20

Also just wondering if there's any way in which I can monitor application traffic on the Wifi as well as the LAN? Appreciate this is a different protocol. Have been curious how much data my Ring Doorbell is using among other things.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Changing "Internet only" to "Internet + LAN" blocks web access   31 January 2020, 18:51

It sounds like you want to monitor other devices connected to your WiFi. This is not generally possible, and the reason is not a different protocol, but the fact that those devices are connected to the router independently. Here is an article that explains this in details: How to monitor all my devices: laptops, phones, smart TV, etc.

Re: Changing "Internet only" to "Internet + LAN" blocks web access   01 February 2020, 04:33

Understood, I had a feeling it would tie back to the router limitations. I have a mid range Netgear Nighthawk X6 so I think I am limited to overall general bandwidth.

Thanks for confirming smile

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