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Re: Worldwide licence renewal and licence keys update

5 days ago, by Andrew in RAM Disk Forum

There is no need to re-enter the licence key for the current version of the application to continue functioning after renewing the licence. However, if you plan to update the software to a newer version, it is possible that the new version will not accept the existing licence key on that machine, if the new version was not covered but the previous key. In such cases, we recommend updating the lice

Re: Bandwidth shaping with multiple network cards

14 days ago, by Andrew in Bandwidth Manager Forum

It is possible that one of the earlier rules (listed above the problematic rule) is capturing the traffic, preventing it from reaching the rule you are testing. To resolve this, try creating a new Any-to-Any rule, select a specific network interface, and position it at the top of the ruleset. This should allow you to see some traffic being captured by it.

Re: No speed shown in the taskbar on Windows 11

16 days ago, by Andrew in NetWorx Forum

I am not quite sure what solution you are looking for. The latest version of NetWorx should work fine with Windows 11 taskbar and speed widget, as shown below: If you are seeing something else, please post a screenshot along with more details about your setup. Having more information will let us help you better.

Re: How to fix a spelling error in Taskbar Settings

26 days ago, by Andrew in NetWorx Forum

Thank you for bringing this typo to our attention. It has now been corrected and the current version download files have been updated. Windows stores this data in binary format, so it is unlikely that you will locate it using the Registry Editor. Instead you can reset the notification area icon cache is by using the this batch file. This file automatically deletes the required registry entries

Re: Missing characters in SNMP Engine ID - Fixed

28 days ago, by Andrew in Network Scanner Forum

Likewise, thank you for providing the clear and detailed information that allowed us to reproduce and fix the bug. The issue was in the conversion of binary data to a UTF-8 string that caused some of the binary data to become malformed. We have updated the code to correct the problem, and are very glad to hear that everything works well for you now.

Missing characters in SNMP Engine ID - Fixed

29 days ago, by Andrew in Network Scanner Forum

Thank you! We have successfully reproduced this issue, and it should now be fully resolved. Please download the latest build and let us know how it works for you.

Re: Missing characters in SNMP Engine ID

30 days ago, by Andrew in Network Scanner Forum

In SNMP, the OctetString data type can be used to carry both ASCII and UTF-8 strings, as well as binary data. We've added a new setting that allows you to specify the string format in cases where the data is incorrectly detected as UTF-8. Please download the latest build, and select either ASCII or HEX for the EngineID to ensure it displays correctly:

Re: Missing characters in SNMP Engine ID

4 weeks ago, by Andrew in Network Scanner Forum

It is likely that this byte sequence (EngineID) is being misinterpreted as a UTF-8 string when it is actually a hexadecimal sequence. We will investigate this further and provide an update here shortly.

Re: Nmap with ppp0 interface

5 weeks ago, by Andrew in Network Scanner Forum

We have added a way to pass custom command-line parameters to Nmap. You can download the new builds here.

Re: Driver version information is not updated

5 weeks ago, by Andrew in RAM Disk Forum

The drivers have actually been updated to the newest version. However, the corresponding INF file in the Windows\INF folder has not been updated, causing the Device Manager to display the wrong version. You can check the actual driver files and their versions directly: %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\drivers\spvve.sys %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\drivers\spvdbus.sys We will review the installation proced

Re: Graph notifications are not closing automatically

5 weeks ago, by Andrew in NetWorx Forum

There has been a change in the application behaviour from version 5. In version 7, all features were redesigned, including the notification logic you are referring to. Now, the graph displays when a set threshold is reached, but it won't automatically disappear as it used to. This change was implemented for a couple of reasons: To ensure that the users who are away from their computer can se

Re: Driver version information is not updated

5 weeks ago, by Andrew in RAM Disk Forum

It may require one or two reboots for the drivers to be replaced. This is because Windows locks the driver files early in the boot process, and up to two reboots might be necessary to successfully replace or update them.

Re: Nmap with ppp0 interface

6 weeks ago, by Andrew in Network Scanner Forum

There is currently no way to pass custom command-line switches. We will add this feature soon and post an update here.

Re: Taskbar graph overlaps icons when using multiple desktops

2 months ago, by Andrew in NetWorx Forum

Sorry, we couldn't reproduce this issue. Are you using NetWorx version 7.2 or earlier? We've made significant improvements to Windows 11 taskbar support in version 7.2.1, which should also prevent such overlapping issues. Additionally, the graph can now be docked on either side of the centered taskbar.

Re: NetWorx on Mobile Hotspot Device

2 months ago, by Andrew in NetWorx Forum

Unfortunately it is not possible to load NetWorx directly onto mobile hotspot devices, as those devices use custom operating systems that are not compatible with the software. NetWorx is specifically designed to run on desktop machines operating under Windows, macOS, or Linux. However, most mobile hotspot devices typically include built-in stats or usage meters. They may be not as advanced and

Re: Feature request: Start a scan on keyboard key press

2 months ago, by Andrew in Network Scanner Forum

It might be challenging to determine whether, upon pressing Enter, the user intends to modify settings or make adjustments after selecting a bookmark before starting the scan. As a practical solution, you could configure a hotkey or key combination for initiating the scan directly. This way, after selecting a bookmark, you can simply press the hotkey to start scanning immediately.

Re: MacOS version, or a way to run under Wine

2 months ago, by Andrew in Connection Emulator Forum

Unfortunately it will not work under Wine because it relies on a driver within the Windows networking stack, which is not supported by Wine. For macOS, you can use a tool called Network Link Conditioner, which is part of Xcode and can be installed as explained here.

Re: How to delete a specific file on each startup

3 months ago, by Andrew in RAM Disk Forum

There is no selective clearing. The entire RAM disk is cleared upon restart.

Re: How to delete a specific file on each startup

3 months ago, by Andrew in RAM Disk Forum

RAM disk is a volatile storage solution, meaning it doesn't retain any data across system restarts. When your computer starts up, the RAM disk presents an entirely empty drive, without any files or folders. Therefore, there's no need to specifically configure it to clear a particular file, as all content is cleared automatically on shutdown.

Re: Browser cache relocated to RAM disk reverts to default location

3 months ago, by Andrew in RAM Disk Forum

There are a few possible reasons for that: Some browsers may delete and recreate cache directories during updates. This process often ignores existing symbolic links to a RAM disk and creates a new regular directory in their place. Security software or system policies may flag symbolic links in certain sensitive directories as potentially unsafe or unusual, especially in critical system folders

Re: How to include upload and download information in Netstat window

3 months ago, by Andrew in NetWorx Forum

For the Netstat window to have download and upload info, you need to enable application monitoring on the Main tab in Settings:

Re: How to exclude local network traffic without monitoring applications

3 months ago, by Andrew in NetWorx Forum

When monitoring a network adapter, it is not possible to exclude local traffic. In this mode, NetWorx simply checks the bytes sent and received by the adapter every second, without distinguishing between local and external traffic. As a result, local activities like file copying between computers are still recorded. The application monitoring feature processes traffic in a more sophisticated wa

Re: How to check RAMdisk health

3 months ago, by Andrew in RAM Disk Forum

Running mdsched (Windows Memory Diagnostic) is primarily for checking physical RAM for errors. As a RAM disk is a virtual disk created in RAM, its health is dependent on both: the physical memory itself and how the software handles it. While mdsched is good for identifying RAM issues, for specific issues with the disk you should also check file system integrity and do performance testing. Here

Re: No graph is displayed for SNMP connection to a Huawei router

3 months ago, by Andrew in NetWorx Forum

The fluctuations in your graph are caused by the misalignment between the polling interval (1 second) and the SNMP device's internal update interval (also 1 second). This misalignment can result in either receiving the same (stale) data twice or getting doubled values if two updates are read during a single poll. I believe this issue existed in the previous version as well, and unfortunately, ther

Re: Edge browser is not listed in Cache Relocator after moving its cache to RAM disk

3 months ago, by Andrew in RAM Disk Forum

Cache Relocator looks for %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\XXX\Cache, where XXX is a profile name. You can check if you have any profile folders there or try deleting the entire %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Edge\User Data folder, which will prompt Edge to create a new one. This might help Cache Relocator recognise Edge again. Regarding creating additional directories on your RAM disk at boot

Re: No graph is displayed for SNMP connection to a Huawei router

3 months ago, by Andrew in NetWorx Forum

One straightforward way for us to access the A10 would be by running TeamViewer in a virtual machine on your PC, but it's up to you. If you're comfortable monitoring the Huawei interface connected to the A10, that could also serve as a good workaround. Thank you for the data you've provided - it has helped improve NetWorx for everyone.

Re: No graph is displayed for SNMP connection to a Huawei router

3 months ago, by Andrew in NetWorx Forum

This one is a bit trickier. With the Huawei F1A, we were able to use a publicly accessible device for testing, but we haven't been able to find any publicly available A10 CGNAT. If you could grant us read-only remote SNMP access to your device, we'd be happy to take a look and hopefully resolve the issue. To avoid sharing access details publicly, please open a private support ticket.

Re: No graph is displayed for SNMP connection to a Huawei router

4 months ago, by Andrew in NetWorx Forum

Good news! We have found a way to consistently monitor specific switches. Below is a screenshot showing data flow through a Huawei F1A: Please download the new build and let me know how it works for you.

Re: No graph is displayed for SNMP connection to a Huawei router

4 months ago, by Andrew in NetWorx Forum

It looks like we may be able to resolve this issue. I will post an update soon.

Re: How to save multiple networks for future scans

4 months ago, by Andrew in Network Scanner Forum

We've added a new 'New Window' option under the 'File' menu, which launches a new instance of the application with the current settings. The 'Bookmarks' menu has also been updated with a new feature: simply hold the Shift key while selecting a bookmark to open it in a new window. You can download the updated build here.