Feature request: To see IP addresses in All Devices

Started by rodolfogiovanninetti


Feature request: To see IP addresses in All Devices   18 February 2015, 02:18

I would like to see a new feature in WiFi Guard, meaning the IP addresses in All Devices.

I run the software, it finds some devices, I close the software... When I run it the next time, in All Devices I can find the previous list. But, in this listing I do not see IP addresses.
So, if the first time I forgot to Save from the File menu, now I do not have this information about devices that were found. I mean, I can see that it had found five 3com devices, but what were they? Instead, with IP addresses I could try to reach them with a browser, or telnet, or SSH.

Thank You and regards,
Rodolfo Giovanninetti
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Feature request: To see IP addresses in All Devices   18 February 2015, 08:49

The All Devices list doesn't keep any IP addresses because it's a record of devices seen on the network. This could be a while ago and the devices may have changed their IP addresses more than once.

If you want to see an up-to-date list of IP addresses, you have to rescan the network.

Re: Feature request: To see IP addresses in All Devices   18 February 2015, 17:45

I understand, this is why I asked for a new feature.
I have devices such as switches that have a fixed IP address. Doing a scan takes a very long time in a big network. So, please consider adding this new feature to the wish-list.

Thank You again and regards,
Rodolfo Giovanninetti
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Feature request: To see IP addresses in All Devices   18 February 2015, 18:41

Makes sense then. We'll consider adding it.

You may also be interested in our Network Scanner that many find useful in network management.

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