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Re: Largest possible size of a RAM disk

4 years ago, by Ann in RAM Disk Forum

On 64-bit systems, there is no upper limit dictated by the software for RAM disk size. You are only limited by your hardware: how much RAM your computer physically has. In our tests 192 GB RAM disks were created successfully.

Re: No network activity is displayed and all buttons are disabled

4 years ago, by Ann in NetGenius Forum

It sounds like you have only installed the Management Console (GUI), without the System Service required for normal operation. NetGenius consists of two major components: the System Service that does all the monitoring work, and the Management Console that enables you to interact with the service. During the installation you can choose which components to install, and normally you would need bo

Re: Some devices not detected after macOS update - Solved

4 years ago, by Ann in WiFi Guard Forum

Solution: please download the new build of WiFi Guard and replace your already installed copy. After that, everything should again work properly and all devices should be discovered.

Re: Some devices not detected after macOS update

4 years ago, by Ann in WiFi Guard Forum

This missing device issue is indeed caused by the latest macOC Catalina update. Apple decided to make some changes in ARP format, which caused certain network functions to break. We received messages from other users describing identical problems over the past few days, and currently working on finding a solution. We will post an update here once a fix is available.

Re: SHA/hash value for downloading application files

4 years ago, by Ann in Network Scanner Forum

All executable files carry our digital signature. If it's valid, it means the file has not been altered after we produced it. If you need the hash value, it comes as a part of the signature and it can be seen under the Message Digest field, as shown below: Right-click the file, choose Properties, then Digital Signatures tab, select the signature and press Details, then go to Advanced tab

Re: Autosave doesn't occur at the set intervals

4 years ago, by Ann in RAM Disk Forum

It is hard to tell what might be causing this, as the RAM Disk code writing data to image files is very straightforward and there is simply no room for this behaviour. What can explain it though, is that the file is not updated if nothing has changed in the RAM Disk filesystem. The whole RAM Disk space is divided into 1 MB blocks and only the blocks that have changed since the last write are up

Re: Add the device again after I made WiFi Guard "forget" it

4 years ago, by Ann in WiFi Guard Forum

The device wills simply re-appear once WiFi Guard discovers it during next scan. The "Forget" function merely deletes devices from the database, and is mainly intended for removing devices that are physically no longer in your network. If the device is still around, its connection will be picked up again and you should be able to see it.

Re: How to see which programs are using my Internet and block them

4 years ago, by Ann in NetGenius Forum

Yes, NetGenius will show you all programs that are using your network in real-time. It will also provide you with long-term logs and statistics. Yes, with NetGenius you can blacklist a program temporarily or permanently to prevent it from accessing the Internet. By the way, NetGenius is available as a fully-functional 30-day trial that you can download from its home page. This means you can i

Re: Audio player run from RAMdisk

4 years ago, by Ann in RAM Disk Forum

Thank you for sharing this information. It is very nice to know that our RAM Disk makes such a positive difference in the quality of sound for you.

Re: How to find out the OS on all PCs on the network

4 years ago, by Ann in Network Scanner Forum

The latest version of Network Scanner (or any version from 7.2.1. up) features integration with Nmap, a free console tool that can detect the operating system. If Nmap is not already installed on your computer, you will need to install it first, then in Network Scanner go to Options - Integration with Nmap, and check the "OS detection" line. This forum topic has screen shots for a ver

Re: Monitoring Microsoft updates traffic

4 years ago, by Ann in NetWorx Forum

Update: NetGenius has been released a few days ago, and we already have a very positive feedback from its users. Everyone is welcome to download the free NetGenius 30-day trial, and see if it does a good job of keeping an eye on Microsoft updates and any other network activity you'd like to monitor and control.

Re: How to run a Python script

4 years ago, by Ann in Network Scanner Forum

Although there is no direct integration with Python in the Network Scanner, you could call the Python interpreter from a simple VB script as shown below. It will basically launch Python and pass the script name with any arguments, like the IP address. Anything that the script outputs will be captured and displayed in the Network Scanner.

Re: Some scanned assets do not display share information

4 years ago, by Ann in Network Scanner Forum

If you see blank fields, it is usually due to permissions issues. The application needs to be able to receive both NTFS and share-assigned security information. It such situations, it is a good idea to use an admin account. Especially in Windows 10, as Microsoft has tightened security requirements. What may have worked previously in older versions of Windows with a lower-privilege account, oft

Re: Report the router's external IP address

4 years ago, by Ann in NetWorx Forum

Unfortunately NetWorx doesn't have a feature for e-mailing you a new external IP address whenever it changes. A typical solution to this issue is to use a dynamic DNS server (DDNS). Basically you can register a domain name like linked to your external IP address. Then, whenever your IP address changes, your router sends the update to the DDNS provider and the domain na

Re: Network Scanner licence questions

4 years ago, by Ann in Network Scanner Forum

Our products are designed to make the customers' life easier, not to complicate it. To achieve that, we set reasonable boundaries in our DRM that respect customer privacy, autonomy and evolving needs. So the answers to your questions are: The licence is validated off-line and does not require Internet connection. The licence is not linked to your computer or singular hardware components, and th

Re: Assigning friendly names

4 years ago, by Ann in Network Scanner Forum

Please check the columns selected for "Identify by" in Options - Friendly Names (see below). Most likely you simply need to select some columns there, so the NetScanner knows which columns serve as the key for assigning friendly names.

Re: Shares details in CSV reports

4 years ago, by Ann in Network Scanner Forum

We have just published a new build with the CSV output you were asking for. Please note that at the moment the new format is only written when saving from the GUI.

Re: Bulk and redistribution licensing options

4 years ago, by Ann in RAM Disk Forum

It sounds like our OEM licence would be a perfect choice. Its definition is as follows: "OEM Licence grants an organisation, or agents of an organisation, rights to use and distribute the software with their own hardware or software products. These products must provide substantial additional functionality to this software, and not include any potentially unwanted programs." The OE

Re: No file system on the RAM drive

4 years ago, by Ann in RAM Disk Forum

If you are using HDD Emulation, please try turning it off. In this case the RAM Disk will work through a much simpler routine, which may bypass the bug Microsoft introduced in their recent update. If that doesn't solve the problem, please try a different file system on the RAM disk, e.g. exFAT instead of NTFS or vice versa. In either case, please let us know of the outcome. Hopefully one of

Re: Shares details in CSV reports

4 years ago, by Ann in Network Scanner Forum

CSV is not really suitable for a tree-like output with share details. If you need each share's details, you should choose XML, JSON or HTML file - in that case all details will be preserved.

Re: A way to scan multiple subnets

4 years ago, by Ann in Network Scanner Forum

From your message, it is not very clear what exactly you want to do. The suffix in CIDR notation defines the size of the prefix in bits; while a CIDR of /0 refers to every IP address in the Internet (that is about 4 billion addresses). If you just want to scan multiple IP address ranges, you can add them separately as shown below:

Re: How to see live Internet usage of each application

4 years ago, by Ann in NetWorx Forum

While it is possible to see live usage in NetWorx when you have the "Ignore local traffic within the LAN" setting turned on, it may not monitor certain apps (so-called UWP apps like MS Edge); and it's "read-only" nature means you may be able to see the live usage, but unable to do anything with those apps. However, we are working on a new product named NetGenius, which will

Re: Fix for problems caused by Catalina macOS update

4 years ago, by Ann in Network Scanner Forum

That message comes from Apple's new notarization requirements. For a quick workaround, please try the following: go to Applications in Finder, right click the Network Scanner app icon, then choose Open menu item in the pop-up menu. In the new window press the Open button.

Re: Fix for problems caused by Catalina macOS update

4 years ago, by Ann in Network Scanner Forum

We have just published a new 64-bit build that should work well with Catalina. Please download the new .dmg file and let me know if it helped.

Re: How to get IP addresses and host hames to display

4 years ago, by Ann in Switch Port Mapper Forum

Normally switches don't report any IP-level information. The Port Mapper only gets a list of switch ports from the switch, along with information about MAC addresses connected to each port. There is no IP address information in the list, and there is no direct way to convert a MAC address to an IP address. To resolve MACs to IPs and then to host names, the Port Mapper does one of the following

Re: ReFS formatting of a RAM disk

4 years ago, by Ann in RAM Disk Forum

Sorry, ReFS is not currently supported. It did not cause a blue screen in our tests, but the format command simply failed to format a RAM disk. We may implement ReFS support in the future, but in the meantime it's not available. From what we can tell there is little demand for it, since ReFS as a resilient file system designed for physical drives, whereas a RAM disk not resilient by definition

Re: How to mark known devices in bulk

4 years ago, by Ann in WiFi Guard Forum

Thank you for your feedback. We'll considering making it possible in the future, but in the meantime there is an easy workaround: simply go to All Devices, select all the devices you want to mark as known, and choose the Mark as Known item in the pop-up menu.

Re: Feature suggestion: disk image compression

4 years ago, by Ann in RAM Disk Forum

It is a good idea in theory, but implementing disk image compression on save has two major issues: Compression takes time, which will make system shutdown very slow due to writing and compressing the image files. It will break differential writing. At the moment the RAM Disk only writes blocks that changed since the image was last read. This saves a lot of disk I/O and is very fast. With compre

Re: How to run NetScanner on a schedule

4 years ago, by Ann in Network Scanner Forum

Like any other program, it can be run by the Windows scheduler with some command-line parameters. Supported command-line switches are listed at the end of the Network Scanner user manual. Note that if you schedule Network Scanner to run under a different user or SYSTEM user, you would need to specify the configuration file in the command line. Alternatively, use the portable version of Network

Re: Saving Network Scanner results to a database

4 years ago, by Ann in Network Scanner Forum

The result can be exported to a number of formats: XML, JSON and CSV. After that, they can be imported to the database you are using. Most database tools should be able to import CSV files, as those are essentially simple tables.