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Re: App downloaded from Apple App Store doesn't seem to work anymore

5 years ago, by Ann in WiFi Guard Forum

Could you please try downloading and running the free trial .dmg file of the WiFi Guard from our site instead of App Store? The app files from our site and Apple App Store are supposed to be identical, however in the past few days we have received a few reports from users saying that apps they downloaded from App Store either work incorrectly or don't work at all. This seems to be affecting sev

Re: Bridging WiFi to Ethernet

5 years ago, by Ann in Connection Emulator Forum

Yes, unfortunately bridging WiFi to Ethernet is not possible. However, a USB Ethernet adapter should work fine, provided it supports promiscuous mode. Most adapters do, except the cheapest ones; please see this discussion USB to Ethernet Adapter and Promiscuous Mode.

Re: Using two servers for bandwidth management

5 years ago, by Ann in Bandwidth Manager Forum

In this case you simply need to purchase another Single Device Enterprise License and use that licence on the second server. The configuration will not sync automatically, but you can backup the configuration from the first server and then restore it on the second server. Also, if you intend to use two servers at the same time for the same task, you would need to decide how to route and balance

Re: Monitoring Internet data usage on multiple devices in a home network

5 years ago, by Ann in NetWorx Forum

There is no universal solution to monitor all devices in a home network like yours. Our app NetWorx can be installed on Windows, Mac or Linux computers only (the versions for Linux and macOS are not as feature-rich as the Windows version). If your router supports so-called SNMP or UPnP protocol, you can monitor all traffic via your router. This, however, will not give you a per-device usage bre

Re: How to identify Amazon devices (e.g. Kindle, Fire)

5 years ago, by Ann in WiFi Guard Forum

To identify the devices you can simply compare the MAC-addresses of your devices with the addresses WiFi Guard reports, and mark the devices as "known" accordingly. In your example, you will be comparing addresses A0-02-DC-25-22-F4 and F0-51-73-73-B8-20 that WiFi Guard detects with the addresses in each of your device's settings. If they are identical, those are definitely your device

Re: Recommended system requirements

5 years ago, by Ann in Connection Emulator Forum

The system requirements mainly depend on the throughput Connection Emulator will be handling. As a rough guide, an i5 with 8GB RAM should be sufficient to handle 200-300 Mbps. Generally, the maximum throughput it can handle is about 500 Mbps. If the 30-second session limit in the free trial makes it hard to evaluate the software when bridging is used, simply send a message to our help desk with

Re: How to execute remote PowerShell scripts

5 years ago, by Ann in Network Scanner Forum

You simply need to tick the scripts you wish to run, and the selected items will be executed against the scanned computers. The same holds true about any Remote feature in our Network Scanner, like Remote WMI, Remote Registry, etc.

Re: Feature request: Finer timespan selection in the Applications tab

5 years ago, by Ann in NetWorx Forum

Thank you for your feedback. It is nice to hear that everything works well. Regarding the additional GUI elements, it, theoretically, may be an interesting idea, however our experience shows that the majority of users prefer us to keep interface as simple as possible.

Re: "Ignore local traffic within the LAN" option is greyed out in installer

5 years ago, by Ann in NetWorx Forum

The LAN Traffic Filtering Driver can be selected on the fourth page of the installer program, as shown in the screenshot below. That page may not be displayed if an earlier version of NetWorx is already installed - in that case NetWorx installer honours the choice made by the user during the earlier installation. You can "change your mind" and add the driver by reinstalling NetWorx f

Re: How to delete a user

5 years ago, by Ann in NetWorx Forum

Assuming you want to delete the usage records of that user, simply select the user via the Users button in Usage Reports. Then click Reset, and that user's data should be deleted.

Re: Printing from Office 2016

5 years ago, by Ann in RAM Disk Forum

Thank you for reporting this issue and suggesting a workaround. We will add this information to our Nnowledge Base if similar issues are reported again by other users. In general, we recommend using exFAT as a more lightweight and faster file system as well. Here is a bit more on choosing a file system for a RAM disk. Once again, thank you for letting us know.

Re: Retrieving SNMP from devices

5 years ago, by Ann in Network Scanner Forum

You would need to enter MIB OID (Object Identifier) as shown on the screen shot below, which is basically a path to the value you want to retrieve. You can try some common OIDs, such as: (system uptime) (system description) (system host name) Our Network Scanner comes with a few common MIB files, so you can easily pick an OID from th

Re: Syncing friendly names between two computers

5 years ago, by Ann in Network Scanner Forum

The mappings between IP/MAC addresses and friendly names are stored in the config file. You can: either backup the config file from your laptop (File - Current Config - Save to File) and then load the file onto your office PC (File - Current Config - Load from File); or backup the friendly names alone (Options - Friendly Names - Export) and then import them to your office PC (Options - Friendly

Re: RAM Disk and RAID 0

5 years ago, by Ann in RAM Disk Forum

Currently, there is little room for further optimisations as our RAM Disk already outperforms competition in most tests. It is possible to allocate all memory from a specific NUMA node on a multiprocessor system and this should improve performance, but this setting would do nothing on a single processor machine. All available memory channels are used automatically, be that 1, 2 or 4 channel machin

Re: Distribution of emulated latencies

5 years ago, by Ann in Connection Emulator Forum

a) Yes, with correlation set to 0%, it will be a simple distribution of independent random latencies within the "from" and "to" range. In a large enough sample its mean will tend to ("from" + "to"/2. b) No, at present there is no feature for choosing other distributions.

Re: RAM Disk and RAID 0

5 years ago, by Ann in RAM Disk Forum

It is an interesting idea to build a RAID 0 array of two RAM disks, but unfortunately it seems not to work as expected. In the case of two physical HDDs, a software RAID 0 writes to the two independent devices in parallel, effectively doubling the speed. However in the case of two RAM Disks, both disks are the same device - RAM; so RAID 0 would be limited by the memory's bandwidth. Considering RAI

Re: Detect device type and operating system

5 years ago, by Ann in Network Scanner Forum

This should be possible in version 7.2.1 released yesterday. This release features integration with Nmap, a free console-based tool, which can amongst other things detect the OS and device type on a target IP address. You can download the latest version from NetScanner product page. You will also need to install Nmap if it's not already installed on your computer. Then go to Options - Integrat

Re: Restricting bandwidth for upload and download of large files and specified file types

5 years ago, by Ann in Bandwidth Manager Forum

Generally this is possible via Bandwidth Manager's download/upload penalties. You can also use quotas to discourage large downloads. To answer of your itemised questions: The software needs to be installed somewhere between your router and the rest of the network; here is a more detailed description of how you can install Bandwidth Manager in your network. You may need a dedicated PC with two

Re: App for monitoring Internet connection performance

5 years ago, by Ann in NetWorx Forum

Yes, that is exactly what NetWorx's Speed Meter feature is for: it tests the real speed of your connection by downloading and uploading some data from a server nearby. It can also be configured to run the tests periodically, for example every 10 minutes or once an hour. Regarding the low speeds you see, that's likely because, by default, the results are displayed in megabytes per second, while

Re: Asked to enter licence key after every update

5 years ago, by Ann in NetWorx Forum

This should not be happening normally. NetWorx should request the licence key once, and then use it for further updates until the end of the update period included in the licence. However, there are a few situations that may lead to the issue you are experiencing: If you uninstall the application before installing a new version. In this case NetWorx diligently cleans up after itself and removes

Re: How to clear old MAC addresses

5 years ago, by Ann in WiFi Guard Forum

To clear addresses all at once, you simply need to select them all before clicking 'Forget'. The selection can be done in a few ways: Hold Ctrl and select the lines with with the mouse; or Hold Shift and click with the mouse on the first and then the last line to be selected; or Hold Shift and use the Up and Down keyboard keys; or Press Ctrl + A to select everything. These keyboard shortcuts

Re: Delay at shutdown when "Save Contents to Image" is enabled

5 years ago, by Ann in RAM Disk Forum

This may be due to a Windows feature called 'hybrid boot'. When you shut down a hybrid boot system, this feature saves the current system state to the hard disk before switching off. On boot, it restores the system state back into memory. This process adds a delay on top of saving and loading the RAM Disk image. We recommend disabling the hybrid boot permanently, which can be done in either of

Re: How to clear old MAC addresses

5 years ago, by Ann in WiFi Guard Forum

Simply go to "All Devices" and select all the MAC addresses you want to delete. Then right-click the selection and choose Forget as shown below:

Re: RAMdisk in virtual memory

5 years ago, by Ann in RAM Disk Forum

@WildByDesign: not need to apologise for asking questions, especially the relevant ones. That's what this forum is for Also, we are very glad that you are happy with SoftPerfect RAM Disk. We pride ourselves on doing our best to create hight-quality, reliable software; and it is always nice to hear that our users appreciate it.

Re: Solving excessive data usage on 4G wireless broadband modem

5 years ago, by Ann in NetWorx Forum

It really depends on the modem and what devices you have. NetWorx can only monitor traffic on the computer where it is installed. If you want to monitor traffic on multiple devices, you basically have two options: Install NetWorx on every computer in your network. This can only be done if all your computers are running Windows. While NetWorx can only monitor traffic on the computer it is install

Re: How to monitor mobile broadband usage only

5 years ago, by Ann in NetWorx Forum

This switching from selected connection types to all connections is due to the internal design of NetWorx: basically when the "Ignore local LAN traffic option" is ticked, NetWorx loads a special network driver that captures network activity. This happens at a higher network protocol level where the information about current connections is not available. If you absolutely need both - t

Re: Windows on a Mac: "Incorrect function" error

5 years ago, by Ann in RAM Disk Forum

Thank you for the feedback. We have tested this on an iMac running Windows and it indeed was the case. Any attempt to use the disk from Windows Explorer lead to the "Incorrect function" error. This is likely to be caused by a driver that Apple installs on Windows. This driver doesn't seem to like the presence of a standalone volume, i.e. a disk without partitions. We found the same is

Re: Browser cache relocation is not consistent

5 years ago, by Ann in RAM Disk Forum

There is a Chrome extension Data Saver by Google. If you are not already using it, it might help a bit: it will optimise and compress HTTP pages before sending them to you. Regarding the symbolic link, it's probably best to delete it so you are using only one method of cache redirection: either the symbolic link, or the --disk-cache-dir parameter.

Re: Browser cache relocation is not consistent

5 years ago, by Ann in RAM Disk Forum

The Cache Relocator application simply creates a so-called symbolic link. A symbolic link is a file system object that points to another file system object. It is part of the core Windows functionality and it should always work, unless another application interferes, e.g. deletes it. The creation of the symlink can also be done manually, as discussed on this web-site, or alternatively the --dis

Re: Computers marked with crossed red circle

5 years ago, by Ann in Network Scanner Forum

The red circles mean there was an error while scanning those devices and the thread was killed. It could be a consequence of either: The user clicked the Force button in the Stop Scanning dialog. This is not recommended, as it forcibly terminates the thread and results in a memory leak. Devices with terminated threads are marked with the red circle. The user set a run-time limit in the settings